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Our combination of deep operational and healthcare experience and world-class data science capabilities can help your organization tackle its most pressing challenges. 

Our data science and analytical services span the continuum of care and can support your organization no matter your current level of maturity. Whether you are looking for data and research, need support with building a robust data and analytics infrastructure or internal analytics team, are seeking to leverage advanced analytics or AI, or need help in conveying those insights to drive action, we can help.

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Data & Analytics

Data and Analytics Decisions chart
How We Help

Our advisory work and thought leadership all are based on rigorous analysis of the most up-to-date data on industry volumes, revenues, expenses, margins, and other facets of performance and financial state. 

Despite the voluminous amount of healthcare data available, it can often be challenging to find the data your organization needs to make decisions and even more challenging to appropriately apply those data. Our experienced team can provide your organization with the data it needs. 

Our data services include:

  • Directed Research
  • Custom Data Marts
  • Merging and Enhancing Data
  • Advising Data Purchase and Adoption

Healthcare data infrastructure is both complex and demanding to maintain. Our data scientists work with institutions to clean data, design and implement the data infrastructure and advise on data management.

Our data management and infrastructure design services include:

  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Linking
  • Pipeline Creation
  • ETL Automation
  • Data Standardization
  • Data Classification
  • Data Infrastructure Design
  • Master Data Management Design and Advisory Services

Given the rapidly evolving analytical space in healthcare, organizations often find it difficult to begin, implement, and sustain advanced analytics and artificial intelligence in an impactful and value-oriented way. We can support your organization by building or leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, or advanced analytical techniques to meet your real-time challenges.

Our data science includes:

  • Analytical Engineering and Design
  • Prescriptive Analytics and Optimization
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Feature Engineering
  • Data Science Innovation
  • Data Science Project Management
  • Documentation Best Practice Advisory Services
  • Code and Process Industrialization

Top-performing organizations are quickly adopting and implementing artificial intelligence and generative AI into their organizations, but can be challenged by the speed of development and applicability to healthcare. Our team of data scientists can help design, build, and deploy artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms alongside deep healthcare expertise to enable organizations to begin quickly realizing the value from these approaches.

Our artificial intelligence and machine learning services include:

  • Generative AI
  • Language Model Creation (Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Large Language Models)
  • Machine Learning Algorithm Creation

Given the ever-shifting healthcare landscape, the ability for organizations to accurately predict and anticipate future demand and trends has become paramount. Our team of experts can help build and deploy predictive analytics which adapt to your own conditions, learn over time, and provide a high level of confidence of what the future may hold.

Our predictive analytics services include:

  • Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and multi-year volume predictions
  • Predictive analytics for expense, revenue, payor mix, and market trends
  • Incorporation of predictive analytics into your current workflows including budgeting, long-range financial planning, strategic planning, and capital planning.

Our state-of-the-art data insights services can help uncover actions that can improve your financial performance—including minimizing costs or maximizing revenue – and help you disseminate those insights in digestible and meaningful ways.

Our data and analytics services include:

  • Managed Analytics Function (Insights as a service)
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Visualization
  • Business Intelligence Dashboard Creation
  • Data Interpretation and Advisory Services
  • Custom Data Research
  • Thought Leadership Support and Creation

One of the most common challenges facing organizations is the development of an internal analytics function which is effective, sustainable, and measurably impactful. Our data science strategy support can assist with the planning and development of internal analytic functions, talent management from recruitment through career progression, creation of organizational structures, development of data and analytics governance, and commercialization of analytics.

Our data and analytics services include:

  • Data & Analytics Function Development
  • Data Governance Design and Advisory Services
  • Data & Analytics Strategy
  • Talent Development Roadmaps and Resources
  • Tech-stack Agnostic Deployment
  • Model and Analytics Integration
  • Data & Data Science Tool Commercialization and Go-To-Market Strategy
Data Driven Advisory Services

Our advisory work and thought leadership all are based on rigorous analysis of the most up-to-date data on industry volumes, revenues, expenses, margins, and other facets of performance and financial state. Our data science and analytical services include:

  • Challenge: Organizations often rely upon long-term projections or estimates which do not always reflect current local and market conditions, require substantial effort to update, and do not link to the financial plan. 
  • How We Help: Using advanced AI/ML techniques, Kaufman Hall can build and deliver predictive models that adapt to real-time data, automatically update, span long-term down to hourly levels, and link to the financial plan.
  • Challenge: Organizations often rely upon analyses that describe historical performance but do not always have the capability to proactively define the best actions and recommendations to optimize certain outcomes.
  • How We Help: Using cutting edge optimization engines, Kaufman Hall can provide prescriptive actions that optimize intended outcomes, like minimizing cost, or maximizing revenue while working within your organization’s constraints.
  • Challenge: Organizations often struggle to identify both the cause and impact of issues in one area onto others. As such, interventions may be inappropriate and often quickly hit practical roadblocks preventing the realization of opportunity.
  • How We Help: Using discrete event simulation and complex adaptive models, we can create a digital representation of the system allowing bottlenecks and issues to be quickly identified and test the impact of interventions system-wide.
  • Challenge: Organizations often struggle with developing AI/ML algorithms in house and often have to partner with firms that lack healthcare expertise, resulting in expensive and not always useful or successful algorithms.
  • How We Help: Kaufman Hall has developed numerous AI/ML algorithms specifically focused on the healthcare space, and can provide adaptive algorithms which classify accounts, vendors, consumers along with a wide-variety of other machine learning approaches to solving common problems.
  • Challenge: Healthcare organizations do not always have the required expertise to set true data science strategy, establish goals, develop data scientists and define realistic ROI.
  • How We Help: Kaufman Hall can provide data science strategy support ranging from larger strategic plan setting, to defining goals, building onboarding and development material, creating appropriate organizational structures, and setting best-practice data infrastructure development and governance.
Report Series
National Hospital Flash

Published monthly, the National Hospital Flash Report includes data and analyses across the key areas of margins, volumes, revenues, and expenses derived from 900+ U.S. hospitals.

Report Series
Physician Flash

Published quarterly, the report features up-to-date industry trends drawn from the same data that physician groups use to track their finances and operations.

We’re Not Just Advisors—We’re Your Partners
Erik Swanson headshot
Erik Swanson is a Senior Vice President leading Kaufman Hall’s Data and Analytics Group where he focuses on providing cutting-edge data science tools to our clients to provide deeper and more timely insight, drive operational improvement, develop thought leadership, and produce the most meaningful outcomes.
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